July 2022


Getting drunk in a Glasgow whisky bar, after walking out on the Buckie monster because he threatend to smash my face in.

The train could not leave Ayr fast enough, I drank a lot of whiskey, whilst surrounded by enablers, then caught the train to Stirling.


I think this is a roundabout by Wallace Town in Ayr.

Cannot remember what I did this day.


Pitched by the river in Carlisle.

Found a good coffee house but became swamped with encroaching "enablers".


Pitched on Moffat playing field again.

After packing up my equiptment, I visited my potter friend. I believe him to be the real chieftan of Clan Farquharson.

We talked before his wife came with poridge and honey then talked some more. He knows all about the Vatican, gave me a leaflet with some information. (click to expand).

I then went for another walk.

And hitched a ride on the road to Edinburugh.

Watched the planes taking off from Edinburgh airport.

Arrived in Perth.

And went to sleep watching the moon rise.


After waving goodbye to his family the Asian man drove me to Carlisle, where I hitched a ride southbound on the M6. After hitchiking some distance I found myself at Brockholes nature reserve.

I then reversed direction, hitch-hiking back into Scotland along the M74, stopped at Moffat Nature reserve.

Moffat Motel was destroyed by a huge fire, but sheeple still watch from the borded up windows.

It's a safe place to pitch a tent is twee Moffat, so thats exactly what I did.