Yarrow and Ettrick
Today we visited the Yarrow and Ettrick Pastoral Society Annual Show.
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374 PostsToday we visited the Yarrow and Ettrick Pastoral Society Annual Show.
Very much enjoyed going to Roberton Show today; Roberton and surrounding areas very much made the show, all our neighbours were there.
We woken at my flat, cooked Charlie breakfast, then he drove to the farmhouse.
It's a mild sunny morning and Charlie has rested, I am optimistic that many jobs on the farmhouse are going to be near completed today.
Hung over this morning, sleepless during the night with a sore stomach, it's Charlie's birthday today.
The sheep, contented on chewing cud, were unmotivated to return to the paddock and graze.
This morning I walked about the farmhouse garden, at a glance there isn't much to see.
Charlie loaded / transported five tup lambs to Longtown C & D Auctions this morning.
My new iPhone 14 arrived via courier today… I took a panoramic picture of our farm with the phones camera this morning.