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La vie et l'époque de Léonie.

374 Posts

Dark Waters

Last night, I fell asleep about 10pm, too tired to remain awake to care for the wee twin lambs. News came, one died the other survived, it took 2–3 hours for the lamb's temperature to normalise to enable feeding of vital colostrum.


This morning I woke to the sound of Sam the Sheep dog barking, peering out of three windows I saw nothing unusual, but through the forth window I discovered a mother ewe licking her newborn lamb, now there is only three ewes left to lamb.


All lambs are well, we've had a shortfall of chaff, so are purchasing lamb and ewe nuts for the flock as an addition to bales of haylage. We have just under three weeks until the flock goes to grass keep; I will be relieved to see them go, the farmhouse is noisy as hell.