September 2024


Today we visited the Yarrow & Ettrick Pastoral Society Show.

We risen late to face off wind and drizzle arriving early afternoon to see the show. Entrance was £10 per head, this included car parking, the programme an additional £3.

Charlie insisted visiting a line of ancient tractors first.

From the tractors we looked about the sheep pens, the day was awash with rain, much of the judging had already finished.

We purchased a stick of local butter before leaving the show, having spent only an hour there; the weather was better at last years show.


During the morning two days rain cleared for the Roberton Show; we drove down to the event, with Charlie's sheep dog Sam. Attending last year this is our second Roberton show. So nice not be here alone.

We arrived just after 10:30am and walked over to the judging pens.

Above Dutch spotted, Below Cheviot sheep.

More judging.

These blackface sheep have had their fleece dyed brown.

Hebridean sheep won three rosettes!

And more Cheviot sheep.

Young shepherd Anderson with a rosette in his mouth; reminded me of the sheep with a rosette in its mouth at the Ettrick and Yarrow show.

Charlie did not know the breed of this sheep, he said "look at that thing".

Look at the size of this tup, he's enormous.

We visited the Reivers tent, there annual show was awesome this year; people who do the reenactment enjoy providing answers to historical questions.

We enjoyed a bacon roll, coffee and carrot cake inside the food tent.

We watched the shows dog agility.

Then viewed the local craft tent.

There was many more people at this show than are pictured, as we was leaving many people were arriving; we both enjoyed being at this show where we met our neighbors.

In the evening Charlie began mucking out the poly tunnel, he appeared very tired; so I turned out the lights and demanded he come inside the farmhouse to rest.

I stood and watched the incinerator for a while, attempting to calm auditory hallucinations triggered by the show, how far can I be from traumatic infliction of derealisation, to be with a quiet mind.


Overpainted my lounge.

Another PTSD accident.


Caught an Owl on security camera..

... at Woodburn Farmhouse.


Sunrise outside my house.

In retrospective life is like a dream living here.

How long will I live here, before I die here, again.


Charlie got the tractor running on three cylinders and thus towed the sheep feed trailer to the rear of the farmhouse.

The big end baring is still hanging out of the engine block on cylinder three but the engine is still usable.

We only plan to tip several loads of muck onto the paddock before retiring this sixty-one year old tractor.

We inflated a large tractor tyre with a cheap RAC electric pump.

I suspect sabotage, nothing was wrong with this tractor before the big end smashed through the engine casing. Anyhow, the tractor is running and will do the job.

Today one of my teeth crumbled into my almond croissant. The dentist in Jedburgh has been obfuscating treatment, I've waited five months, then having my appointment cancelled, they told me I had to wait another two months before I hung up the phone; I'll be saving my pennies and pay to go private.

Whilst in Kelso we purchased croppers, patio weeder, and a rose bush for my garden. If I'd been temporary rehoused in Kelso, not to Hawick, I would not of met Charlie. Still feel as though I am being followed; more so as we left the cafe, and garden centre in Kelso.

These marigold flowers have grown beautifully, they were from a pack of mixed wild flower seeds I purchased online; had no idea what would come up.