Yarrow and Ettrick
Today we visited the Yarrow and Ettrick Pastoral Society Annual Show.
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SubscribeToday we visited the Yarrow and Ettrick Pastoral Society Annual Show.
I'll never be hyper-normalised into alienating repressive and partisan tolerances; at this show, other than rare eye piecing glares, it felt as though we didn't exist.
Horses were also present at this show.
The trophies.
There was also a classic tractor show.
These were top sheep, but there were no rare breed entries.
A sheep had got hold of it's rosette, Charlie removed it after I took this picture.
Hawick Scout band came and played their awesome music.
We made what was of the variety of the Ettrick and Yarrow Pastoral Society Annual Show but preferred the smaller Roberton Show for the locality and familiarity.
We stopped at Selkirk and enjoyed a pint in a local bar.
And then visited Walter Scott's courthouse.
Shameful, ordering transportation to far away lands.
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Snow arrived yesterday, Charlie took me out for a drive along the road to Ashkirk.
Holy Isle
Lift into Hawick, for a walk.
Everyday is silent and grey. Everyday is like Sunday. St Mary's Loch.