By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


Temporary fixed a break in the farmhouse stone walling; Charlie said the wall has to be taken down to fix the collapse properly.

The stones are heavy and roll hard and fast down the incline of Woodburn farmhouse paddock. Sometimes I worry for the lambs but they are agile and alert herd animals.

In Russia, homeless people are named snowdrops, because they are often uncovered dead during the thawing of the snow.

Snow drops in the garden are appearing, lambs will be born soon, we predict a month today from the flock within the poly tunnel.

I took some bird and sheep pictures with my Olympus Sp-810uz, making the most of the cameras 36x wide zoom. Not very happy with the quality of this camera but maybe I am expecting to much detail from 14 megapixels.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm