The breed of these cattle is named Limousin, a French breed of beef cattle from the Limousin and Marche regions of France.
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SubscribeThe breed of these cattle is named Limousin, a French breed of beef cattle from the Limousin and Marche regions of France.
I helped by moving hay from where they'd pushed the hay too far away whilst feeding. Arriving we found the coos were hungry and leaving it felt satisfying to know they were contented after being fed.
This tractor is over forty years old, and is coupled to a bedding machine loaded with a bale of straw; ready for the morning.
In the evening I went with Charlie to his work place as he had to feed the coos this evening. The contrast of the coo sheds was strange and somewhat eiry, so I decided to take and share some pictures via this here website.
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Snow arrived yesterday, Charlie took me out for a drive along the road to Ashkirk.
Holy Isle
Lift into Hawick, for a walk.
Everyday is silent and grey. Everyday is like Sunday. St Mary's Loch.