Timpendean Tower
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
2 min read

Timpendean Tower

After watching two episodes of X-files, leaving my house in Ancrum, Charlie drove our truck to a field beside Timpendean Tower.

From the truck we walked through a long grass field, dodging large cow pats along the way. Charlie was weary about the presence of Galloway coos but I kept my mind on getting to the tower; not wanting to envision a problem before us.

We noticed earthwork fortifications behind us.



We arrived at dusk, insufficient daylight effected the quality of these pictures.

Fire place, Charlie admires the view.

Fatlips Tower, the Waterloo Monument and the village of Ancrum were visible from Tipendean tower. My bridge camera was missed.

Waterloo Tower

Timpendean Tower.

We were alone at the tower, there was no litter and access was not prohibited in any way. Charlie was stressed at the coos, attempting to negotiate around them; I refused to give coos fear space in my head. Visiting passed quickly, holding onto only a memory.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Ancrum Tower House