This afternoon, we were rambling along the Southern Upland Way
The weather was windy but dry.
We visited the Three Brethren:
Common riding, Charlie said riders eat bacon butties here; wondering if they feed the famous wooden mouse.
These cairns date back to the sixteenth century.
The walk took just over an hour, about two miles steady ascent along woodland path and road towards the summit.
Southern Upland Way descent towards Selkirk.
A wonderful view of the Elidons.
The weather was windy but dry.
We visited here last year, but only got as far as here.
Charlie stopped the 4x4 at the side of the road whilst I hopped out and quickly photographed the vacated Bernat Klein Studio, the vibe around this modernist building was unearthly, as if something terrible had happened within this vicinity.
Stupidity placing a water pool by the house, wood adjacent, what about the midges?
Building appears subsided; reminds me of a car park, akin to a school boiler house.
Returning through Selkirk, near the Hanning I thought of Charlie stopping the car, until we passed the garage above Selkirk; then the moment took leave from me. I can't stomach people, used to be friendly and value company, but today I feel sickness being around and about people; because I know they are never to be trusted.
The weather was windy but dry.
We visited the Three Brethren:
Common riding, Charlie said riders eat bacon butties here; wondering if they feed the famous wooden mouse.
These cairns date back to the sixteenth century.
The walk took just over an hour, about two miles steady ascent along woodland path and road towards the summit.
Southern Upland Way descent towards Selkirk.
A wonderful view of the Elidons.
The weather was windy but dry.
We visited here last year, but only got as far as here.
Charlie stopped the 4x4 at the side of the road whilst I hopped out and quickly photographed the vacated Bernat Klein Studio, the vibe around this modernist building was unearthly, as if something terrible had happened within this vicinity.
Stupidity placing a water pool by the house, wood adjacent, what about the midges?
Building appears subsided; reminds me of a car park, akin to a school boiler house.
Returning through Selkirk, near the Hanning I thought of Charlie stopping the car, until we passed the garage above Selkirk; then the moment took leave from me. I can't stomach people, used to be friendly and value company, but today I feel sickness being around and about people; because I know they are never to be trusted.
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Snow arrived yesterday, Charlie took me out for a drive along the road to Ashkirk.
Holy Isle
Lift into Hawick, for a walk.
Everyday is silent and grey. Everyday is like Sunday. St Mary's Loch.