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Woodburn Farm

Woodburn is a small hamlet in the area of Roberton, within the valley of Borthwick Water.

108 Posts


Early rise this morning, we spent three hours gardening. After ripping out several rows of stinging nettles I began to mow the front garden, tearing up masses of dock leaf plants to find a nest.


Looked down at the poly tunnel entrance this morning in hope of finding the cade lamb alive, but no, he's definitely leaped out of this world. Today we checked the grass keeps, at the first we penned off and oral wormed the flock, then sprayed them with a blue liquid against parasites.


Yesterday, I returned to the farm house after visiting the lambs at the grass keep. The ewes, lambs and tup showed no signs of being pleased to see us, but walked down to our car to check for food, I guess they were looking for sillage.