Woodburn paddock was overloaded with sheep after returning a flock from the Craik Forest. Charlie loaded six ewes and transported them to Selkirk grass keep.
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SubscribeWoodburn paddock was overloaded with sheep after returning a flock from the Craik Forest. Charlie loaded six ewes and transported them to Selkirk grass keep.
Early morning Charlie drove to our grass keep near Selkirk, sheep here have had few if any problems this year; being mindful of lung fluke which killed two lambs at this grass keep last year.
We transported ewes and lambs, from the farmhouse to the grasskeep.
Today I accompanied Charlie to his appointment at Borders General Hospital (BGH); he wanted me there and I get that, as I've only ever attended hospital on my own.
My new iPhone 14 arrived via courier today… I took a panoramic picture of our farm with the phones camera this morning.
In the morning I mucked out the trailer whilst Charlie finished nailing new hurdles; allowing the flock at the first grass keep to be sheered.
Today we collected hurdles, and began erecting a pen at our grass keeps at Bowden; Charlie stated "it was nothing to be proud of", "take pride in everything" I replied.