River Teviot
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
2 min read

River Teviot

This morning I have begun taking antibiotics I was prescribed some time ago for Lyme disease; whilst I return to the doctors to get a revaluation on the original diagnosis made by a nurse in Totnes.

The nurse I saw this morning thought me insane; and did not take what I had to say seriously. But I have a referral to osteopathy, for an injury I sustained whilst carrying a heavy backpack for years, containing dust to dusk things that I'd put together as my home every evening. It's not that I don't want or refuse to let people within my pictures, it is that there is an absence of people in my life; my world has been emptied of people.

Finding the Trinity bar closed at 11:00am, I walked past the recycling centre and along the River Teviot; Charlie came in his lunch hour and placed me outside at the Trinity bar, I enjoyed two pints [the second pint tasted as though somebody had shined the glass with vickes vapour rub] before phoning a taxi to return me to my flat.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
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Diary Hawick Coddiwomple