Returning flock
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
2 min read

Returning flock

We received a cancel message to come and collect our sheep for grass keep in the Craik Forest; we'd agreed to fetch them at the weekend, but we them earlier on Thursday instead.

It was late in the evening by the time we loaded our trailer onto our truck, we took three large hurdles with us. The drive form Woodburn to Craik is about five miles; then a mile from the forest gate post to were our sheep were grazing.

Our friends said they wanted their field back, I didn't feel as though we'd taken their land away; we only grazed (for free) thirteen sheep on their land, no room at the inn is large, at least seventy acres. Our sheep were unhappy there, they'd escaped, on the 9th of June and again on the 27th of July, 2024; so this evening we are on a mission to return all of them to Woodburn.

The Craik forest is beautiful, and I have enjoyed visiting here.

I have not enjoyed being around these goats; our sheep were also bothered by them. There are also two Hebridean sheep here, but they are no trouble at all. The sheep were no bother to pen, Charlie reversed the truck for loading.


Charlie was really tired, this was a long day for him, after a twelve hour day harvesting, he is rounding up and transporting sheep in the evening.

I manoeuvred to the opposite side of the pen to usher the sheep towards Charlie awaiting at the trailer. The entire area was swarming with thousands of midgies.

The sheep walked themselves into the loading pen without any effort other than me walking towards them; they know the ritual, I think they wanted to leave.

Eight walked into the trailer, leaving five to wait for our next pick up; there fight or flight mechanism jolted them, they were pissed being left behind rather than being penned.


As the exiting sheep neared the paddock verge other sheep came running to greet them; they roared from the reunion; the event felt wonderfully enamouring; validating our efforts toward their return to Woodburn Farm.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm Craik Forest