Replacement phone
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read

Replacement phone

Been very active this month, and slipped the desire to post pictures I've noticed about my life. My health has been OK, however I still have pains in my stomach, and not yet received results from a test to detect Helicobacter pylori antigen.

The Scottish Border NHS surgery does not notify of negative test, however I'm still experiencing symptoms. Charlie is still on holiday from work, I am enjoying extra time with him; our two-day adventure into England was flavoured, and hampered. Today I am uploading pictures of our journey onto this website. We returned to the farmhouse, Charlie set about scrapping ye olde sheep trailer, whilst I decorated, and sprayed what was left of the weed killer onto nettle heaps within the farmhouse paddock.

This much mud was scrapped from the farmhouse driveway.
My herdwick ewe two weeks after arriving at the farmhouse; putting on weight.

Purchased Charlie a new replacement phone today, hoping this phone does not end its life underneath a tractor plough as his other phone did. I've lost many phones myself, in bogs, burns, heavy rain; sometimes they were stolen. Tonight I'm tired, in many ways exhausted.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm