By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


Early rise this morning, we spent three hours gardening. After ripping out several rows of stinging nettles I began to mow the front garden, tearing up masses of dock leaf plants to find a nest.

I came within inches of a poor partridge sitting on her eggs. Charlie motioned to stop everything and pull back, lucky for us after five minutes the partridge had returned to incubate her nest.

The other thing we had planned was to weed the vegetable patch, to the rear of the farmhouse. Breaking the soil we noticed the presence of worms, this is a good sign, but also strange flies appeared, we had no idea what they were so left them be.


I forked out large clumps of nettles whilst Charlie turned over the soil. We managed to plant one row of potatoes before retiring for a coffee.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm