By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


Today the partridge eggs hatched in the farmhouse garden; I walked over to get a photograph but was immediately attacked by two partridge parents.

They have been nesting in the front garden for some time, I first noticed them when I nearly chopped them to death with an electric lawnmower [I thought the topper would kill something first].


This morning I also found an empty nest in two elm bushes, I lopped the overbearing branches before they grew to reach the farmhouse electricity supply. The antifungal spray appears to have made a difference, but, somehow I still not convinced, doubting this to be fungal, but some sort of parasite infestation.


In the evening, Charlie noticed a fledgling that had been left behind, and would have died from the cold had he not rescued it. I wasn't overly keen, in fact I told him to put it back for nature to take. He turned on the heat lamp and placed the fledgling inside a cardboard box; and tried to feed it with water, then what Charlie calls pigeon milk.

I could not be fussed to cook an evening meal, also needing to go out for a drive, we drove into Hawick for fish and chips. We drove down Hawick high street as stewards were taking down road closure signs then out into the wild border's countryside, reaching over the hillside we stopped and enjoyed our meal by a lake, then watched the sunset.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm