By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


This morning I walked to the top of the farmhouse paddock and observed a golden sunlight; during late afternoon, a haze settled in the valley.

During late afternoon, a haze settled in the valley; I walked around checking the welfare of our lambs, they're looking great, and I have benefited from healing being around and about these animals.

Teeswater lamb @ Woodburn Farm.

It's been a quiet May day, I did not associate with any morris dancing or druid rituals as I used to do. Those days have gone, I am relieved to not be about them, and their tomfoolery, no more a scapegoat folk devil exploited hapless as an opportunity mule by pathological moral entrepreneurs.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm Lambing