Yesterday, I returned to the farm house after visiting the lambs at the grass keep. The ewes, lambs and tup showed no signs of being pleased to see us, but walked down to our car to check for food, I guess they were looking for sillage.
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SubscribeYesterday, I returned to the farm house after visiting the lambs at the grass keep. The ewes, lambs and tup showed no signs of being pleased to see us, but walked down to our car to check for food, I guess they were looking for sillage.
We checked the water supply, and walked the fields boundaries to check for any breaches in the perimeter fence. He's thrown everything in the air to get this grass keep, and has no petrol for his car.
So it's looking as though I won't be getting any visitors today, because, after six months of living in the borders, he is the only person that I have in my life; no other friends, but a professional depersonalised, acquaintance to substantiate rapport.
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Snow arrived yesterday, Charlie took me out for a drive along the road to Ashkirk.
Holy Isle
Lift into Hawick, for a walk.
Everyday is silent and grey. Everyday is like Sunday. St Mary's Loch.