By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
2 min read


Its taking a while to realise I now have a home, after decades of homelessness. A warm, safe place to rest my head, a sanctuary whilst awake and asleep. What is contentment, does satisfaction exist?

This morning I opened my door to find our new milkman had visited; placed onto my doorstep were three pints of bottled milk; its been years since I seen this, how awesome.

Charlie gave me a lift into Galashiels, I purchased drainpipe clips, doormats and poly-filler, essential repairs for my house. Early afternoon we did a welfare check on our flock in the Craik Forest, then arriving back a Woodburn, bought the flock from the paddock, penned them onto the driveway then wormed and dagged them.


Lambs are weary of being penned, but I think some know that we look after them.

The flock have begun to ex-spell their tapeworm infestation; mucky bums are not usually this bad.

We were relieved to find no maggots.


We use a drench to deliver doses of wormer.


Our herdwick teg had an sub-dermal injection in the neck and antibiotic spray applied to her sore hooves, all ewes and lambs were wormed and then sprayed against fly strike with Cydectin.Whilst tending to the sheep we were attacked by a huge swarm of midges; Charlie later cut wire gauze to protect or kitchen garden from wild rabbits.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Ancrum Woodburn Farm