By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


Happy happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.

Charlie purchase a pumpkin and sweets for me to give to the trick or treating children of Ancrum. This is the first pumpkin I've made, in my fifty years on this earth!

The process of making a pumpkin was easy, more so after watching a "how to do" Youtube video; spooning out stringy slime and slippery seeds was an experience.

I sat down with the pumpkin, and watched John Carpenter's Halloween 3, Season of the Witch; I feared this movie as a child, now I'm humoured.


My hands have not been steady from power washing my patio, I thought about using a tripod but chose to film this moment authentically.


The children's trick or treat costumes were impressive, after they threatened to smash out my windows and never come back I handed them two sealed buckets of sweets.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Ancrum