Grown lambs
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read

Grown lambs

Journeyed to Galashiels to pick up my HAC clock from a fairly local horologist; there was a broken cog, and the mechanism required a new spring.

Hopefully I'll have a German 14-day strike clock, that will last another fifty years. I kept away from the town centre, as I predicted, my mind was plagued by auditory hallucinations; Gala has become a dark place that unhinges me whenever I am there.

360 of Woodburn Farmhouse.

And our Herdwick ewe.

Charlie doubts if my Herdwick is in lamb, I'm hoping she gives us a couple of lambs because she is quite old; most of the flock she came from had no or few teeth; she has her teeth, so we got lucky, I hope. She has a home with us until she dies, Charlie promised.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Woodburn Farm Auditory Hallucinations 360