Goat hill
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
2 min read

Goat hill

This morning we picked up sheep and took sheep back to the farmhouse.

In the morning we did a welfare check on our flock at Denholm; the sheep come for food every time, food seems to take precedence over everything, including their lambs!


Later on, early afternoon, we went for a drive, twelve miles through a pine forest track. We came across a dead end, so had to return the way we came, bleak out there, sidewards rain, upon a wind swept Goat Hill.

Dreek Scottish Borders.

Stopped in Langholm to fill up with diesel, but as predicted Charlie's credit card was rejected; the pump was card service only. With not enough diesel to return us to Hawick, North along the A7, we drove over the England border and filled up at Longtown.

At first we thought this to be a Meteorological Station but in fact is a Auxiliary Seismic Station designed to detect nuclear explosions around the world. Wind generators are banished due to potential interferences.

We returned to the farmhouse via Eskdalemuir, passing through the Craik, we observed many wild animals including deer and hares.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Coddiwomple