By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


Started the pendulum on my mantle clock today; the clock is now running after an oiling of the mechanism with 3 in 1 house oil.

Last night, I took my new [used] singer sewing machine (made in Scotland between 1958 and mid 1963) to my flat. I plan to make curtains for the farmhouse, then summer dresses; and also some repairs to Charlie's clothing, should he require the help. It's a bright sunny morning today, the sheep will be happier and healthier, as I endeavour to write and code this here website.

So nice to have somebody waiting in a car for me, that values my photography.

Slept through most of the today, and I'm feeling unwell; I believe heavy vibrations from the grass strimmer are having a detrimental effect on the health of my body. Whilst using the strimmer my thoughts lull, after use, about two hours later I develop a headache and sleep for hours and hours. Nothing alleviates or overwrites the voices relaying spiteful messages, not blindness of dissociation or even serve persistences of Tinnitus I endure.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
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