February 2022


I found two photos on my phone from the 26th, so I thought I'd share them as there are no recent photographs of myself. Given our predicament I think it wise to publish previous content, at least images a couple of days ahead. All forwarded posts contained within this blog are stated as such.

That day I noticed a subconjunctival hemorrhage in my eye, I am suspecting a face spray of causing this, although there is no proof to make such an assertion. The scar on my nose is from London, when a black assilent kicked in my face as I attempted to shelter from pouring rain on a cold windy night spent displaced and homeless in Bayswater. This is more than a decade ago, but flash backs still take me back to the blood, my face upon the pavement, trying to pick up my right forearm, which he had kick broken in half. It is also the laugher and the passing comments stating that I had somehow deserved it. As from today I have only twenty-seven days left until a possession order because valid upon what has been my home for eighteen months. When I arrived back at my flat I was angry at the cause behind being evicted, not at being evicted, as I want to leave, my stay here in Truro has been tormented by a tag team of haters, who have threatened me physically, abused me mentally, defiling everything who I am, demonising every friendship I have attempted to form here. It is absolutely incredible how this has been sustained, and consequently, because my window of tolerance became narrowed, I am being evicted for merely being "abusive" to provocation.


A couple of days ago I went to Perranporth beach with a support worker, I live in support accomodation because of complex post traumatic stress and generalised anxiety disorders; I ride my BMX to get through the day.

The only contact I have with this world is through professionalism, I have no friends and no family who want to know me; sometimes it's hard to figure life as real, until turbulent emotions overwhelm me to self harm.