By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
1 min read


Accompanied Charlie to Borders General Hospital this evening, he was suffering from chest pains, doctor sent him with a letter requesting the Emergency Department complete an electrocardiogram test.

I watched the read-out for three hours, blood pressure 118/78 and heart bpm was between 50-60, normal for somebody on beta blockers.

They performed blood test, COVID-19 test then an x-ray. Doctor returned with results that confirmed my suspicions, that he was OK; we left the hospital after 10pm, visited the farmhouse to collect Sam the sheep dog, then arrived at my flat at 11:30pm! Remaining hours of the night were disturbed with agonising toothache and raging volcano style acid reflux.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
Updated on
Diary Borders General Hospital Charlie 360