Accompanied Charlie to Borders General Hospital this evening, he was suffering from chest pains, doctor sent him with a letter requesting the Emergency Department complete an electrocardiogram test.
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SubscribeAccompanied Charlie to Borders General Hospital this evening, he was suffering from chest pains, doctor sent him with a letter requesting the Emergency Department complete an electrocardiogram test.
I watched the read-out for three hours, blood pressure 118/78 and heart bpm was between 50-60, normal for somebody on beta blockers.
They performed blood test, COVID-19 test then an x-ray. Doctor returned with results that confirmed my suspicions, that he was OK; we left the hospital after 10pm, visited the farmhouse to collect Sam the sheep dog, then arrived at my flat at 11:30pm! Remaining hours of the night were disturbed with agonising toothache and raging volcano style acid reflux.
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