Capon Tree
By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
2 min read

Capon Tree

One of the last surviving trees of the ancient Scottish Jedforest.

The Capon Tree was one of the 50 Great British Trees selected by The Tree Council in 2002 the year of the Queen's Golden Jubilee and in 2024 it was in the short list for "Tree of the Year".

I knew the tree had ceremonial significance to the Jedburgh Callant who, with his henchmen receives a sprig from the tree. A definition of a henchman reads as thus:

"Someone who does unpleasant or illegal things for a powerful person" - Cambridge English Dictionary.

From being born in England, I'm interested in psychoanalysing Scottish Anglophobic hatred in the 21st century, perhaps I am going to make this a project. Anglophobia is an indoctrinated xenophobic revulsion as people born in England from foreign ancestral origin are not stigmatised, those born in Scotland from foreign ancestral origin are assumed Scottish whilst English people of Scottish origin are alienated as historical evil.

The English as far as I am aware don't have any Anti-Scottish sentiment existing in present day ritualised customs or annual celebrations, less nationalism forged from it.

I can't forget the Jedburgh Callant spitting out bad taste from meeting my acquaintance.

By Léonie Cooper profile image Léonie Cooper
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Diary Coddiwomple