Shake and stirred Charlie out of bed to load up the 4x4 trailer with a tup and ewe, we are taking them to market today at Longtown, Cumbria.
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SubscribeShake and stirred Charlie out of bed to load up the 4x4 trailer with a tup and ewe, we are taking them to market today at Longtown, Cumbria.
At Woodburn Farmhouse today, observing and occasionally taking photographs of fauna.
Charlie calmed my erratic mind by taking me for a drive through the beautiful Craik forest.
After a drive from my flat, arriving at the farmhouse Charlie hooked the trailer onto the back of the 4x4, then drove me to Denholm, loading a bail of straw for our sheep inside the poly tunnel.
In the afternoon, I baked a chocolate cake, then in the evening, after Charlie purchased more chocolate, I made butter icing to top the cake. Smaller cake tins are required to make two layers; so that the butter cream to be sandwiched rather than spread on top of the cake.
This morning I have begun taking antibiotics I was prescribed some time ago for Lyme disease; whilst I return to the doctors to get a revaluation on the original diagnosis made by a nurse in Totnes.
Today we decided we both like to go to the seaside, I wanted to remain within the Scottish Borders so chose Eyemouth.
I am awake at 1am, having problems sleeping. I've lit an open log fire within the farmhouse study room, so I am warm, and not disturbing Charlie who is getting up for work in a mere few hours.
Charlie returned from work midday, then we left for Carlisle, I purchased him two pairs of Jeans; a cheap pair from Next another from Levis; we then drove back to Scotland along the A9 turning right towards Newcastleton to find a place to eat.
Considering the contempt of inhumane isolation I've been placed into, I believe the political right to despise me as much as the left; however I write what I know to be true, and what readers need to know; regardless of ostracising contempt.
I've not seen the River Teviot flow so fast and rise so high as I did today.
Sure is cold this morning, ice on the 4x4 bonnet and window screen has made such a pretty pattern.