Today, a 2016 Xperia Z5 phone arrived, that I'd previously purchased from eBay a few days ago for just £20.
The phone camera is 23 megapixels, but I acquired this device to run Samsung Gear 360 manager app. After performing a factory reset, I found an android APK app file; after some altering of permission, I connected the phone to the 360 Gear camera. I also have in mind using this phone as an off network GPS device for Outdoor Active app, via downloading OS maps and waypoints onto the device, I'll find my way without tracking.
Today I watched a man cleaning the guttering on the roadside, he appears to be a neighbour, although I am still unsure. He turned heads and obviously caught my observation enough to capture the bizarre event on film. I am wondering if he has just been released from prison or something similar; hope he is not a paedophile, there are children living in this flat block. Charlie purchased and presented two bouquets of flowers, one white, the other red; in the evening he enjoyed Cullen Skink I'd cooked for him. I believe the fish soup is now up to restaurant standard, after several or so attempts I'm just about there with it.
The phone camera is 23 megapixels, but I acquired this device to run Samsung Gear 360 manager app. After performing a factory reset, I found an android APK app file; after some altering of permission, I connected the phone to the 360 Gear camera. I also have in mind using this phone as an off network GPS device for Outdoor Active app, via downloading OS maps and waypoints onto the device, I'll find my way without tracking.
Today I watched a man cleaning the guttering on the roadside, he appears to be a neighbour, although I am still unsure. He turned heads and obviously caught my observation enough to capture the bizarre event on film. I am wondering if he has just been released from prison or something similar; hope he is not a paedophile, there are children living in this flat block. Charlie purchased and presented two bouquets of flowers, one white, the other red; in the evening he enjoyed Cullen Skink I'd cooked for him. I believe the fish soup is now up to restaurant standard, after several or so attempts I'm just about there with it.
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Snow arrived yesterday, Charlie took me out for a drive along the road to Ashkirk.
Holy Isle
Lift into Hawick, for a walk.
Everyday is silent and grey. Everyday is like Sunday. St Mary's Loch.